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Jose Paulo Andrade | all galleries >> Galleries >> Color and Shape > Unstable equilibrium
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Unstable equilibrium

FujiFilm FinePix S2 Pro
1/6s f/27.0 at 105.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Ceya27-Feb-2007 06:06
flowsnow29-Dec-2006 10:24
Brilliant shot Jose! V~
Vilone28-Dec-2006 01:48
Excellent work Jose! Love the colors & shapes! ~V
René Lortie28-Dec-2006 00:15
Wonderful colors and shapes. Amazing picture.
Victoria27-Dec-2006 23:28
How wonderful you did!!Stunning have to say
Guest 27-Dec-2006 22:38
? Very strange pic....I can ony wonder what it is and how it came to be...The colors are amazing though :)