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Jose Paulo Andrade | all galleries >> Galleries >> Portrait Workshop > #1
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Guest 13-Nov-2008 15:38
Very good portrait!
Guest 24-Aug-2008 18:58
Do not leave so much space above the head. Regards

Bartosz Kotulski02-May-2008 22:44
very good photo. good work
CIS04-Sep-2007 15:42
This is exceptional...that is magical lighting beautifully done!
Yiannis Pavlis30-Apr-2007 03:19
In praise of your exceptional work.........beautifully done, strong imagery.....
Emad Omar20-Mar-2007 10:22
Wonderful light work
Guest 16-Nov-2006 17:54
wowo, great shot, love it very much.
marita toftgard03-Jun-2006 22:22
exciting portrait..
and great light/shadow play..
Hodero01-Jun-2006 15:32
Everyone told you the problem with the light,which is too good ;-))))
melissa armstrong09-May-2006 12:54
Guest 14-Apr-2006 07:56
excellent lighting!!!!
Sue Robertson15-Feb-2006 01:31
rick bolt04-Feb-2006 17:12
I just love coming back here to find new things. I'm not sure that a better portrait is possible. John Matt
Guest 02-Jan-2006 17:05
Bonito retrato com bom jogo de luz.
nige5026-Dec-2005 12:23
This ones superb the lighting is brilliant
Richard Calmes24-Dec-2005 17:31
Excellent Light!!!
BSPN KennyMac16-Dec-2005 13:33
Powerful shot. Very nice work.
kuare14-Dec-2005 02:08
Fuerza ,misterio y equilibrio.
Isabel Cutler01-Dec-2005 22:14
I love the lighting!
Guest 30-Oct-2005 06:29
Fabienne13-Sep-2005 19:58
J'aime beaucoup celle-là .