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James Clarke | all galleries >> Old Galleries >> Photos of Me > Gozzy Boyz
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13/05/2006 Vaughan Gregory

Gozzy Boyz

Bickley, Western Australia

L-R: Me, Elias, Tim

Tim & I both grew up in Gosnells (aka Gozzy) and Elias and family settled in Gosnells when they migrated from Finland. These Gozzy Boyz tags have been found everywhere around Perth and even up to 500km away (that I've found), I've heard they've even turned up in other states! There have even been a few gangs in Gosnells calling themselves the "Gozzy Boyz", but I doubt they're solely responsible for the tags turning up everywhere.

We spotted this tag while doing the photo shoot for Grave Forsaken's "Beside the River of Blood" CD booklet. see

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Sam_C18-Feb-2008 05:01
Rock 'n Roll baby, yeah!! V :-)
12306-Jan-2008 03:10
LOve the graffitti to flavor the hard Rock look. :) V
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