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James Clarke | all galleries >> Old Galleries >> Photos of Me > Mid Summer Mosh 2006
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18/02/2006 Liz Steadman

Mid Summer Mosh 2006

Western Australia

Standing L-R: Eric Berche, Matt Skipworth, Vaughan Gregory, Me, Tim Steadman, Tim Beckingham
Sitting L-R: Jon Phillips, Elias Salmela (holding Amelia)

Another gathering of the Mosher crew, this time in the Grave Forsaken band room.

Sanyo VPC-AZ1 ,Built-in 7.25-20.3mm
1/30s f/2.8 at 7.5mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 26-Oct-2007 12:11
.. u stand out in the photo.. O.o.. hehehe..
ironguardian 17-Sep-2007 05:31
Oh wow, Tim has got long hair in this one :D
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