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James Clarke | all galleries >> Old Galleries >> Photos of Me > Mid Winter Mosh 2005
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02/07/2005 Sarah Salmela

Mid Winter Mosh 2005

Perth, Australia

top row (l to r) Vaughan Gregory, Me, Tim Steadman, Matt Skipworth
front row (l to r) Eric Berche, Elias Salmela, Steve Chow

Back in 2001, I invited Eric, Tim and Steve over to my place for the first Mid Winter Mosh, a get together of people in to Christian Heavy Metal. In 2004 Tim joined Grave Forsaken the whole band came over for the Mid Winter Mosh 2005. Now their are Mid Winter Mosh and Mid Summer Mosh, held at Tim or Vaughan's places where there is more space for the band to play. Scourged Flesh, another Christian Heavy metal band from Perth Australia has been part of recent ones.

Sanyo VPC-AZ1 ,Built-in 7.25-20.3mm
1/30s f/2.8 at 7.5mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
ironguardian 17-Sep-2007 05:33
Vaughan looks quite young in this one.
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