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Rosemarie Kusserow | all galleries >> Galleries >> Gimmicks with glass >
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24-JUN-2008 Rosemarie

My glass is full ... and has beautiful reflections

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ7
1/60s f/2.8 at 6.0mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Alexander Kazakov09-Dec-2011 14:57
Simple and great! BV
Fabienne28-Aug-2010 23:15
Un beau travail de recherche, l'effet est excellent.
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)23-Jan-2010 08:27
Superb image My Vote!
Guest 15-Aug-2009 09:43
You are very talented
Guest 09-Apr-2009 19:04
Light and shadow and reflection. This shot has it all and was so beautifully done. Nice work. Vote :)
Marcia Rules08-Dec-2008 15:44
very classy presentation !!! V
silvia marmori04-Dec-2008 02:56
great.. this is great!.. love the shadow.. special light and tones..
Guest 15-Oct-2008 23:25
Very cool! I like the lighting here!
Jean-Gregoire Marin16-Aug-2008 07:08
A simple and very esthetic ! good idea ! (V)
Irene Firck25-Jul-2008 14:13
Wonderful image, Rosemarie. Simple and subtle. Btw, thanks so much for your comment.
anuschka27-Jun-2008 09:00
Must say I like this better than the monochroom one,
although I am also experimenting more with mono these days.
mathilda williams25-Jun-2008 18:05
wow, such a simple object and concept, and yet it is such a great image! very creative.
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