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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area SCHOOLS, Classes, Teams, Bands, and Clubs Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1946 - the 6th grade class at Shenandoah Elementary School - names below:
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1946 Courtesy of Carolyn Williams New

1946 - the 6th grade class at Shenandoah Elementary School - names below:

1023 SW 21st Avenue, Miami, Florida view map

Thank you to Stingaree Carolyn Williams New in the middle row, married to Edison Red Raider Edwin New for contributing this great old image.

Some faces may be distorted because the image had old age spots all over it (no, not the old age spots you have now but print spots) and I had to restore it. If you had zits back then you don't now because of the restoration process. : )

Names, left to right:

Front row: Jerry Pollack, Bob West, Tom Jones, Marilyn Grover, Meridith Thompson, Nancy Mather, Celia Raven, Patsy Leary, Barbara Moss and Jack Edelstein

Middle row: Zelner Albritton, Frank Heyman, Leonard Kessler, Joe Johnson, Fred Darwick, Bill Murphy, Don Coumbe, Bert Griffith, Mary Ann Joyner, Marilyn Kurman, Frances Shull, Sally Stephens, Patsy Roberts, Arlene Hancock, - Carolyn Williams -, Phil Clark, Joanne Hablow, Judy Myers and Joann Queen

Back Row: Albin Jewett, Lewis Kanner, Houston Crosley (like in car & kitchen appliances), ??, ??, Patricia Larimer, Nicky Lawton and Roz Fox

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 16-May-2011 05:59
My family moved from Brooklyn to Fl in 1954 and lived about two blocks from Shenandoah Elem at 2244 SW 9 St. I was heartbroken when I went back there several years ago to find it had been torn down. Such a shame. Like you I still remember Mrs Hatfield, and Mrs Smith my 3rd grade math teacher. It's such a strange feeling seeing that building after all these years. It was a great neighborhood for a child to ride their bike, or even skate through. Saturday mornings my mom gave me a quarter so I could walk to the Tower Theater and watch cartoons all day, then stop next door to get the best Italian ices ever!!! Thanks for having this up!! Naomi Hersh Clackum
Dave 27-May-2009 23:08
Yes, this is Shenandoah Elememntary which I atended from 1956-1959 (1st to 3rd grades). I then went to St. Stephen's in Coconut Grove when it first opened in 1959. I have a picture of the school from about the 1930s that I found recently which shows how truly beautiful it was. What a shame theat the powers that be decided to destroy it! My Principal there was Miss Eloise Hatfield. My first grade teacher was Miss Rebecca Haynes, My second grade teacher was Miss Katherine G. Freeman. I'd love to hear from anyone that attended the school in those years!
Guest 21-Mar-2009 01:36
Please note this is not Shenandoah Junior High School. This was the old Shenenandoah Elementary that was demolish in 1975. I only attended this old school for one year.
Terri Herrera 04-Nov-2008 00:59
This is the "original" Shenandoah Junior High. The current Shenandoah Middle has yearbooks dating back to the early 30s which show the beauty of this buidling. It was torn down because it was, like other buildings of its time, build with beach sand. Then, they built the current Shenandoah Elementary which is a box.
Ernest Joya 16-Jun-2008 14:25
I went to this school and have since moved back in the neighborhood. That is the first photo I've seen of the old school.
If anybody has info as to where to find others somewhere, I would appreciate the lead.
This is a great site.