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Carinoza | all galleries >> PHOTO JOURNALISM >> 10th Grand Marian Exhibit 2008 > Nuestra Señora dela Leche Y Buen Parto
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04-MAY-2008 Carinoza

Nuestra Señora dela Leche Y Buen Parto


The feast of the Divine Maternity (October 22?) has been adapted as the feastday
of Our Lady of La Leche, patroness of mothers and mother-to-be.

"The Breastfeeding Madonna" at PRO-Life Philippines:

Sony DSC-R1
1/40s f/3.2 at 20.3mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Marc Dalma 01-Jun-2012 16:40
MS. DHANG M. ODICTA, where can I contact you? I have copies of the novena and stampitas.
Dhang M. Odicta 10-Oct-2009 02:05
I saw the image of Nuestra Senora dela Leche y Buen Parto at the exhibit of Mama Mary's images at MOA yesterday and I was just wondering if you have a copy of the novena. I was told by my ob-gyne that my pregnancy is at high risk. I am due to give birth in Feb2010 and I would like to seek the intercession of the Nuestra Senora for the me and my unborn baby. Thank you.
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