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silvia marmori | all galleries >> Galleries >> Egypt >
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Jaime González17-Jun-2008 18:18
¡Buscando la sombra! bonita escena. -V-
Noor Khan16-Jun-2008 15:52
Great capture! This really brings back the memories of Egypt to me.
laine8210-Jun-2008 18:29
As if nothing has changed in 2000 years...superb. V
an nguyen05-Jun-2008 21:05
Spectacular . Vote
fred_il27-May-2008 10:09
Excellent scene!
Gerard Koehl27-May-2008 08:56
Superbe scène... v
Guest 27-May-2008 08:36
excellent and indeed an interesting image.
12327-May-2008 07:24
Beautiful. V
Paco López27-May-2008 06:33
Excelente!! VOTO!
QUERIDO27-May-2008 05:42
Excellent shot,vote
Carol Rollins27-May-2008 03:59
So interesting. Excellent comp Silvia. V
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