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roe ;)

Canon EOS 350D
1/4000s f/2.8 at 100.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Usha 18-Mar-2009 06:59
May it be ugly, ordinary or heart rendering, Only you can make it seem beautiful and to want it.
beverley harrison10-Nov-2008 08:39
this is stunning...colours are fabulous!!
12324-Apr-2008 04:33
FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! V
JSWaters24-Apr-2008 03:03
You have a connection to melancholy, Roe, balanced by your connection to eternal hope. It's a rare thing to see both ends of the spectrum.
jude24-Apr-2008 01:57
LOLLlll - Roe.. funny girl.
I like the golden belly.
Strangely enough I was going to post a fish photo..HOW odd is that?
Went on a DNR jaunt while they electroshocked fish to stun them til they could tag them.
They looked dead.. kind of like this ;)
Michael Shpuntov24-Apr-2008 01:14
You're master of darkness :-)
Ray :)24-Apr-2008 01:10
Love the light on the right hand side.
I've seen better roes....;-)
carol j. phipps24-Apr-2008 00:35
Nearly abstract with the lighting.
laine8223-Apr-2008 21:49
Oh you did it again...just when I thought it couldn't get any better ~big vote
Guest 23-Apr-2008 20:51
Eerie and awesome!
Those circles look like fish eggs! Roe eggs. haha...get?
J. Scott Coile23-Apr-2008 19:53
Very cool!
Victoria23-Apr-2008 19:51
Amazing light, beautiful eye
Giancarlo Guzzardi23-Apr-2008 19:46
the light in the depths... impressive image