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Adalberto Tiburzi | all galleries >> Galleries >> Where I come from: Film 1963- 1999 > The World Is Round
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Tyrrenian sea 1984

The World Is Round

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Craig Persel07-Apr-2008 21:21
Luca Zanoni07-Apr-2008 20:20
duemila enigmi nel jazz
non si capisce il motivo…
nel tempo fatto di attimi
e settimane enigmistiche…
Guest 07-Apr-2008 10:09
L'ame d'un couteau? ;-)
Dan Chusid07-Apr-2008 06:38
If you say so.
; )
Christine P. Newman07-Apr-2008 00:06
Seen from a boat.
Patricia Lay-Dorsey06-Apr-2008 22:18
When I see your older images, Adal, it just highlights the fact that you've been making terrific images for a long time.
Ray :)06-Apr-2008 22:13
Are you sure? My atlas is rectangular.
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