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1941 - 1942 Courtesy of Cecil C. Curry

1941/1942 - Miss Belland's Kindergarten class at Morningside Elementary School in Miami

Miami, Florida

Please click on "original" below to see the image at the largest size. Thank you to Cecil C. Curry for contributing this great image of his Kindergarten class full of great looking youngsters at Morningside Elementary. Cecil has the big grin on the far left side. His attractive teacher was Miss (Marilyn?) Belland, previously identified as Miss Ballard and as Miss Eaton, on the right side. Thank you to Harvey Kasow (far left in the back row behind Cecil) for the name correction.

Cecil was born in 1936 and went to Morningside Elementary, Horace Mann Junior High and Edison Senior High, graduating in 1954. He left Miami in 1961 and now lives in Altamonte Springs, Florida.

Harvey says that Miss Belland was a wonderful human being and that he is black haired kid behind Cecil in the photo. Harvey says that his first grade teacher's last name was Eatman, second grade was La Roque, fourth grade was Parker, fifth grade was Mosely, and sixth grade was Virginia Gilchrist. He also says "For the life of me, I can't remember the third grade teacher." He says that the Principal was Chlotilde Faust, not one of his favorite people because she always told him "Harvey, why can't you be like your sister?"

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Guest 22-Jan-2020 20:04
I graduated from Morningside in 1954 and started at Miami Edison but we moved when I started 8th grade. I Remember Mrs. Gilchrist and Mrs. Illioff. Many good times there. I was there from first to sixth grade. I live north of Miami now in Vero beach FL.I am now trying to contact some of my classmates there. I remember Eddy Dubois, Jimmy Webster, Beverly Anderson, Stephan Dale, Larry Valle and the Curry twins
Evelyn McLamb 15-Aug-2014 02:21
I was at Morningside first through sixth grade with teachers Knox, Illioff, Richard, Thompson, Keen, and Turk. Me Carter was the gym teacher. Miss cox started as principal during my second grade. I believe it was Mrs Knix and her husband who owned Knoxon motel. I have fond memories of the frog pond also, where class pictures were always taken...the annual carnival.....the large, open windows in the classrooms, patrol....and lots of friends.....sixth grade pool party at Morningside pool. Sept 62 - Jun 69. 'Hope everyone is well!
Don Boyd05-Jun-2012 13:56
Thank you very much Harvey! I have changed the description to reflect the corrections and I have added your comments under the photo. I appreciate your posting.

Harvey Kasow 05-Jun-2012 08:01
The teacher's name was Ms. Belland and I think her first name was Marilyn. A wonderful human being. I'm standing behind Cecil. Eatman 1st, La roque 2nd, Parker 4th, Mosley 5th, and Virginia Gilchrist 6th. Maybe Cecil remembers our third grade teacher. Chlotilde Faust was the principal, not one of my favorite people.
Lou Greenwald 04-Jan-2011 12:38
Mrs. Vada F. Jordan was an angry, sadistic witch. She embarrassed me in front of the my fifth grade class at North Beach Elementary School in Miami Beach. At the beginning of the year, we all had to write the names of our parents on small white cards and because I misspelled "deceased", my father had died 3 years earlier, she proclaimed in front of everyone, " I TOLD you how to spell that word." Mrs. Jordan should not have been teaching elementary school students, rather, she should have been in law enforcement or in charge of prisoners. I suffered during that year and also in 6th grade, I had her again. I hope she does not rest in peace, where ever she is.
Cortland Joyce 24-Dec-2008 16:30
My name is Cortland Joyce and I went to Morningside Elementary. My first grade teacher was Mrs. LaRoque and that was in 1966!!!! My father had Mrs. LaRoque as well but not first grade and I think it was in the mid 30's!
Mrs. Ernistine Cox was the principal (60's & 70's) and she and her husband ran the "Knoxon" Motel on Biscayne & about 75th st. Second grade teacher was Mrs. Bryant. P. E. Teacher was Mr. Carter. My mom substituted at Morningside, Cushman and Alapatah. Her name was Glynda (Julie) Joyce. I also went to the little kindergarten across the street called "St. Johns" Kindergarten.
I still remember Morningside as a tropical paradise with lovely smells of jasmine and frangipani drifting through the windows and sneaking off to the little frog pond in the corner garden to catch tadpolls. Walked to school (from 70th st.) no 15 mph. speed limits, no worries that we'd never make it.
I drove by the school a few months ago (Sept. 08) and it looked desolate and blighted. Too bad it has fallen into disrepair.
Pat 21-Oct-2008 05:26
I went to morningside for kindergarten and 1st grade but I am not sure of the year, I think it was '37and '38, I remember playing in a doll house out in the playground and taking a nap on our rugs that we took to school.
Wilson Wright 17-Jul-2008 00:00
Anybody have the 1935 Morningside first grade class. Mrs. LaRoque was the teacher.
Ms. Cruise tught second grade, Vada Jordan made us hate long divisuin in third grade. Wilma Holderman and Mrs Fulton taught 4th grade and Mrs Deitz taught us to knit blankets for the soldiers in the 5th grade. Mrs Woodward taught 6th grade and then got us agaun in 7th grade when Mr. Roberts left. Mrs. Faust was the Principal and invtited me to her office several times.