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Ronny Van Eeckhoutte | all galleries >> Galleries >> candid >
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Nikon D2x ,Nikkor 85mm f/1.4D IF AF
1/640s f/3.5 at 85.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
alfredo camba jr.08-Oct-2010 02:20
Very beautiful and interesting capture!! V
bill friedlander04-Oct-2010 23:21
Lovely B&W tones. A fine capture of the youths relaxing in the sun. V
blizzard21-Aug-2008 20:22
perfect camera work full of interest and impact
excellent B&w

Ali Majdfar25-Feb-2008 07:59
So Fabulous capture, GMV
Julian Hebbrecht22-Feb-2008 22:41
Well captured Ronny. Personally I find that the curly hair at the bottom right of the picture spoils the photo a bit so I would clone it out in Photoshop.
Yiannis Pavlis19-Feb-2008 04:22
It looks like a beautiful day!.You have chosen your vantage point well. Beautiful toning and i like the scene as well.(A Hoegaarden its a great idea.)V
Guest 18-Feb-2008 19:00
Stunning work my friend
Darbowski18-Feb-2008 10:15
Excellent ! J'adore ce style de photos !!! L'image est vivante et la profondeur de champ excellente, on voit l'arriére plan sans qu'il soit parfaitement net ou trop flou !!! Bravo ! VVV
PauloCGama18-Feb-2008 01:06
a lot to be seen without distractions - excellent my friend. just excellent.
fred_il17-Feb-2008 22:30
Love the tones as you can suppose :-)
Beautiful scene!
John17-Feb-2008 19:16
Wat een heerlijke b&w is dit zeg. Prachtig vind ik'm. V.