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Israel Fichman R.I.P | all galleries >> Birds >> Turdidae. > Stonechat.(female)
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06-JAN-2008 Israel Fichman.


Nikon D200 ,Sigma 500mm f/4.5 EX APO HSM
1/640s f/8.0 at 500.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Herve Foltz11-Mar-2012 14:02
A master piece of course 20/20
aline 26-Nov-2010 16:04
Maja Waiss30-Apr-2010 00:09
Great catch!
Guest 20-Feb-2008 21:11
Israel, for sure one of my favourites, but I still continue discovering your good work.
All the best, Erik!!!
Jean-Claude Liehn16-Feb-2008 04:31
The right angle !
Guest 27-Jan-2008 23:25
Wonderful capture!
Gordon W26-Jan-2008 17:43
This is a great shot! Everything about it is perfect.
Jean-Luc Rollier26-Jan-2008 10:01
Outstanding shot! Love the little clown...
My favourite. JL V
Apostolos Tikopoulos25-Jan-2008 20:16
Fantastic capture and colors. V.
fdt22-Jan-2008 12:23
Great catch! f
monil21-Jan-2008 16:00
wonderfull picture. v
tomandlinda20-Jan-2008 17:20
Beatufiul shot! v
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik20-Jan-2008 00:09
Can't get much better than this! S&L
kenindfw19-Jan-2008 18:17
Wonderful shot v
Janet Forjan-Freedman19-Jan-2008 15:45
Outstanding capture that is very well composed, perfectly timed with lovely colour!
Guest 19-Jan-2008 13:14
Simply wonderful! Love the berry hanging out his beak.
doron nissim19-Jan-2008 07:04
Fantastic !
Guest 19-Jan-2008 01:33
Very nice Israel.
Michel Jasmin19-Jan-2008 00:45
Great photo, timming impeccable V
Robert Charity18-Jan-2008 22:56
wow - well done, the berry in the beak is icing on the cake, v
Guest 18-Jan-2008 22:41
Just amazing.GMV
Silvia Roitman18-Jan-2008 22:23
Jola Dziubinska18-Jan-2008 21:48
Such a cute capture, just wonderful with that red berry in bird's beak. :))
Barry Rosenberg18-Jan-2008 20:54
If Santa is ever in a bind perhaps this creature could stand in for Rudolph. Great moment, Great capture!
Marc Vermeulen18-Jan-2008 20:41
Nice shot, lovely colors.
Sandi Whitteker18-Jan-2008 20:40
Amazing shot Israel! What a great capture. Beautiful composition and dof, and the colors are sublime.
Gerard Koehl18-Jan-2008 19:57
Wow... extraordinaire. Bravo et big vote
Paco López18-Jan-2008 18:58
Spectacular!!!!!!!! BV!
Milos Markovic18-Jan-2008 18:45
Perfect work, Israel.