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Steve Morris | all galleries >> Galleries >> Krakow in cool light > Meet me by the blue arches
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31-DEC-2007 Steve Morris

Meet me by the blue arches

Krakow, Poland

These arches contained blue lights for the New Year celebrations!

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marko gregoric15-Jun-2011 16:21
Very strong shot. V
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)24-Jun-2010 19:28
My favorite tonight! BV
poetry66614-Nov-2008 00:50
Another stunning work of art Steve. Simply beautiful...BV!!
Roland01-Nov-2008 16:42
Great image. -V-
David Lewins13-Oct-2008 08:15
The juxtaposition of the mono and colour give the image adds further interest to a really strong image. +V
Meta18-Sep-2008 07:43
Yes, very romantic indeed.
Fong Lam22-Jul-2008 00:38
Rendezvous by the lovely blue arches, how romantic.
Wonderful composition, Steve.......V
zyziza07-Jun-2008 17:12
It`s true. Many young men arrange their dates under arches of Sukiennice in the center of the town. V
Tom Munson18-May-2008 15:14
Great light and composition, Steve. Well done. v
Guest 12-Apr-2008 16:11
Ooh, this is completely stunning moment capture... perfect song for it is Chris Rea - Blue Cafe :) voted
Helen Betts26-Mar-2008 23:05
Love that contrasting color in the arches. Well seen and captured! V.
Robyco25-Feb-2008 08:29
Great blue and nice meeting place !!
Andrew Vincent22-Feb-2008 12:16
Excellent! VOTE!
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet11-Feb-2008 13:25
Beautiful effect.
John Dicus08-Feb-2008 06:50
Great light. A very nice capture.
Gervan01-Feb-2008 10:34
Gorgeous colors and lighting. V.
XiaoBernard9924-Jan-2008 07:19
It was the blue night Steve.All is blue ,and I like this light in the dark also.A clearly ,a timeless mood .Doors and windows together .You can work in lighting installation artistic.Very often I am happy to see in night a nice lighting,with you no problem any where in night in town can be amazing..
Guest 17-Jan-2008 14:43
this is great Steve - love the colour combination V
Guest 15-Jan-2008 02:49
Beautiful light! Wonderful capture!
J. Scott Coile15-Jan-2008 00:05
What a find. I like what you've done with the selective coloring!
veraferia14-Jan-2008 23:09
al59914-Jan-2008 02:45
Beautifully composed and well-timed! V
Claude Martin13-Jan-2008 23:56
A wonderful scene Steve. Thes eyes are looking to all this blue arch from the first row to the second down to the right and discover the real subject of this compo. great intimity. V
monil13-Jan-2008 21:36
Excellent tones and light. v
Dawn McKenzie-Wykes13-Jan-2008 21:16
Very eyecatching..lovely!
Guest 13-Jan-2008 20:45
I agree, has a very romantic feel to it!
Aud Elise Sjøsæther13-Jan-2008 19:25
Wonderful picture! The light is fantastic. Wonderful architecture as well : ) V
Darbowski13-Jan-2008 16:40
Une fois de plus, une superbe lumière ! Et une excellente composition ! V
Hank Vander Velde13-Jan-2008 03:59
Nice capture of this beautiful lighted structure. V.
marie-jose wolff13-Jan-2008 02:45
wonderful lighting! V
Vince13-Jan-2008 01:48
Wonderful capture of a beautiful settings. Vote.
Sylvie C13-Jan-2008 00:39
Love the blue light. It gives the picture a romantic feeling.
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