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Michael Tauber | all galleries >> Wheels >> Motorized Wheels > ooOOO
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December 10, 2007 Michael Tauber


Haifa, Israel


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SLC_Images14-Dec-2011 19:05
Very well taken!
rousselziak19-Oct-2011 07:20
Excellent B&W ! -V-
gerard belbeoch08-Mar-2011 13:50
superbe image
René Gysi11-Dec-2010 10:28
Great and interesting b&w composition. V
SLC_Images15-Oct-2010 04:58
Great job !!
shatterbug30-Mar-2010 18:00 the perspective and the diminishing scale of the wheels!
Ken Zaret05-Dec-2009 16:45
powerful perspective, almost abstract.
Jim Coffman01-Aug-2009 12:39
This is a very fascinating image. Well done.
urs05-Jul-2009 16:54
Great close up shot of that locomotive, Michael. V
ac04-Apr-2009 09:19
Beautiful angle and BW.
coaster17-Mar-2009 15:58
This is great!
Peter Lawler08-Mar-2009 13:39
Oh I like this! A classic shot. v
François Fauchard10-Mar-2008 21:36
C'est dommage qu'on ne la voit plus rouler ! Magnifique !
Julie Bird09-Mar-2008 03:59
This is a good strong image Michael and great in monochrome. Julie
Guy Dube25-Jan-2008 00:36
A very impressive composition Michael, a big V! And by the way how many different cameras you have?
FrankB24-Dec-2007 19:45
this is a great image....the difference between fine grain and fast film is so apparent and they are both beautiful...there really is no doubt that film rules. I am awaiting a Rolleiflex 3.5F and I will use Ilford FP4+ (125) wishes and V...
Silvia Roitman14-Dec-2007 15:47
very nice!
Paco López14-Dec-2007 11:10
Great shot!!! V!
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