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05-DEC-2007 Ceya

Suomi Finland 90 years on 6th December 2007

Independence Day 6th December

930 page views

Canon PowerShot SD700IS
1/50s f/2.8 at 5.8mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
John Dicus02-Feb-2008 21:16
A great look here, and a lovely spare, uncluttered composition.
Zaid Kurdi17-Dec-2007 21:09
Happy Independence Day Ceya,This is a wonderful shot,fantastic composition,colors and details........V.
poetry66609-Dec-2007 00:42
Happy independence day and great image Ceya..V.
Soenda07-Dec-2007 10:11
Here's a bit of fun! I just copied "Suomi Finland 90 years" from your title and pasted it into the Google search bar. Guess what pops right up? It's not number 1, but this photo, right here in your gallery, is number 2 on Google.

So now I know about the WE! theme, too. (Although apparently in Finnish it reads ME!) I have been privileged to know several Suomi citizens, so it is with great pleasure that I congratulate you on your independence day. The photo offers wonderful symbols of ripe grain and warm, bright light.
Simon Chandler07-Dec-2007 02:34
Happy Independence Day. Beautiful image. v
Guest 07-Dec-2007 01:14
Congratulations V
marie-jose wolff06-Dec-2007 18:31
congratulations, Ceya!
beautiful decoration, nicely composed! V
Jean-Luc Rollier06-Dec-2007 17:16
Bonne fête d'Indépendance Ceya !
Judy Sinclair06-Dec-2007 16:55
Beautiful Ceya! Happy Independence Day!! V
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet06-Dec-2007 14:21
Happy Independence day. When was it?
Yvonne06-Dec-2007 11:36
Congratulations Ceya! v
Guest 06-Dec-2007 10:14
sebas veldhuisen06-Dec-2007 07:44
Congratulations! But watch out for the flame under the flag... Vote
Paco López06-Dec-2007 07:43
Beautiful and good shot!!!! ...and congratulation! V
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