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Neal Nye | all galleries >> Galleries >> November 2007 > November 21 - The Trio
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November 21 - The Trio

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Char26-Nov-2007 00:18
Hi Neal,
An absolutely stunning shot! I can't begin to tell you how much I like this shot. \/
Carol Rollins25-Nov-2007 05:24
Excellent photography, Neal! Wonderful image. V.
Susanne v. Schroeder23-Nov-2007 23:18
How pretty, such lovely colors.
Katie Chew22-Nov-2007 17:19
Very nice.
LeuAnna Taylor22-Nov-2007 14:45
Beauty threefold. This trio looks like they reached out to grab a couple of seed pods as they floated by! Have a great Thanksgiving holiday today, Neal!
Guest 22-Nov-2007 09:59
beautiful compo, colours, dof.
QUERIDO22-Nov-2007 07:46
Beautiful shot,vote
Fong Lam22-Nov-2007 05:35
Gorgeous color and bokeh.
A superb capture ~V~
Dennis Hoyne22-Nov-2007 04:25
Super color, on a dull day.
Coleen Perilloux Landry22-Nov-2007 03:20
Sharp with nice details. It's hard to tell if these leaves are on their way out or in.
glimpses by lu22-Nov-2007 03:01
A beautiful triple trio!!! Great compostion, colors and detail!!! v
Guest 22-Nov-2007 01:17
Tack sharp; great color; tight composition. A trio. V
Guest 21-Nov-2007 22:37
What a lovely trio! Voted!
Silvia Roitman21-Nov-2007 22:37
very very nice!!!
Gary Hebert21-Nov-2007 21:35
very creative and colorful Neal... :)
Donald Verger21-Nov-2007 21:23
lovely Neal , happy thanksgiving