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Steve Morris | all galleries >> Galleries >> Shrewsbury in soft light > Old Market Hall
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08-NOV-2007 Steve Morris

Old Market Hall

Shrewsbury, England

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Dan Spendolini07-Aug-2013 13:07
Beautiful lighting, capture and mood V
Nella Pascal27-Nov-2010 04:47
Gorgeous catpure. Reminds me of Prague.
Jean D09-Mar-2010 02:01
Night magic, at it's best, Steve! ~V
rocky03-Mar-2010 23:07
Great low-light, ultra-wide capture. =V=
Kim21-Jun-2009 18:34
Wonderful control of the light in this night shot, and nicely composed! V
Jim Coffman15-Nov-2008 03:51
This is a very lovely scene Steve! V
bill friedlander01-Oct-2008 23:27
Lovely night shot of this old town, V
alfredo camba jr.02-Sep-2008 10:46
Very nice and interesting image! Simply beautiful!! vote!
IMRAN HAFEEZ11-Jul-2008 18:53
very nice place, very beautifully captured "the light"
Guest 09-Jul-2008 00:48
Simply perfect. Very magic. V
poetry66629-May-2008 21:53
Gorgeous and the lighting is amazing.V.
Philippe Jeandy18-May-2008 18:06
This one could have been in my "Magic city lights" gallery. V.
Buz Kiefer29-Feb-2008 23:06
Fantastic. Vote.
Martha Albuquerque09-Feb-2008 13:54
lovely! v
John Dicus27-Jan-2008 16:22
Very nice. A lovely capture.
Apostolos Tikopoulos27-Jan-2008 10:12
Wonderful street capture. Great composition. v.
scott stroh14-Dec-2007 20:42
The light in this shot is perfect, nice shot Steve.
Click Hamilton14-Dec-2007 03:14
The Magic Moments of dusk and dawn
Chris Spracklen02-Dec-2007 15:35
Love it! Excellent composition and exposure, Steve!
Kind regards,
Claude Martin30-Nov-2007 06:33
You choose the right moment for your night shots. The result is impressif! V
Peg O'Brien27-Nov-2007 00:29
There are so many good photographs in this gallery, it's hard to pick a favorite. This would be one of them. V
Milan Vogrin26-Nov-2007 22:24
Very nice shot!
Milos Markovic21-Nov-2007 19:40
Beautiful exposure,
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