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nina | all galleries >> challenge_2007 >> november > Let it snow Let it snow
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Let it snow Let it snow

"Oh the weather outside is frightful,
But the fire is so delightful,
And since we've no place to go,
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

It doesn't show signs of Pauseping,
And I've bought some corn for popping,
The lights are turned way down low,
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

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j>a>e>17 :):):)07-Nov-2007 01:10
beautiFULL but please please please keep your snow away from chicago until decemeber at the minimum neato nina of nifty nature :):):) PS: must PING you with
Maaike Huizer06-Nov-2007 21:45
This early? Beautiful work.
Jola Dziubinska06-Nov-2007 21:18
Phillip Normanton06-Nov-2007 20:38
Oooh, snow!!! :)))
Johnny Rasmussen06-Nov-2007 17:09
Såpass, ja!! Du får nok tatt maaaasssevis av snøbilder i vinter. Trenger ikke å gå ut engang.
Barbara Heide06-Nov-2007 17:06
is it snowing in your place? lucky you, haven't see snow for ages...
nice shot!
Carolyn Rasmussen06-Nov-2007 15:44
Great idea! Jeg har tenkt på samme sang! :)