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Tricia | all galleries >> Photo a Day >> Photo Most Days 2007 > Rural Hill Cemetery
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Rural Hill Cemetery

The trees in this cemetery are looking their very best today. I would have liked some sunshine on the leaves, but I was not that fortunate and did not have my tripod as I had only popped into town to go to the bank, but decided to throw the camera in the car just in case I saw anything photoworthy.... could have done with the tripod really. Oh well, there is always tomorrow - except for the unfortunate people who are at rest in this beautiful place.

Canon EOS 20D
1/10s f/11.0 at 41.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 08-Nov-2007 20:04
Looks like a set from Lord Of The Rings!
Jackdad25-Oct-2007 19:35
that's quite a monument. great autumn colours.
Dave Wixx25-Oct-2007 02:25
The arch frames the colours nicely. Looks crisp enough to me not to worry about the tripod!
Guest 25-Oct-2007 02:15
By the way, your piracy of my cursor is graveyard spooky.
Guest 25-Oct-2007 02:14
The gateway to a better place? Your detail is superb, the colors add a different feel that I normally feel about a cemetery. Great shot.
Guest 25-Oct-2007 00:09
Great angle and beautiful color. Perfectlly framed. V
pr_rajan25-Oct-2007 00:08
...beautiful! at last .....a place for everybody to take rest....!
Jonathan Popp24-Oct-2007 20:46
I like the colors just fine without the sunshine. Nice comp.
glad my name is not on the headstones :)