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Robyco | all galleries >> TRIPS >> AMSTERDAM > Amsterdam 35
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Amsterdam 35

Coffeeshop !! Free entrance !!

Besides coffee, this are the places for joints !!

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS
1/125s f/5.6 at 59.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guenter Eh05-Nov-2007 07:52
Poor dogs - no dope allowed for them inside! (sign on the window!)
Vince18-Oct-2007 12:42
He must be thinking...should I have a cup of coffee or....? Nice capture Rob. Vote.
Marcia Colelli16-Oct-2007 12:23
nice candid capture
flowsnow16-Oct-2007 10:34
Great shot. V
QUERIDO16-Oct-2007 06:46
Beautiful shot,vote
Andrew Vincent15-Oct-2007 05:19
So are all the cyclists doped up? No wonder they can't park them straight! VOTE!
zeev segal14-Oct-2007 20:20
Wonderful picture
Paco López14-Oct-2007 16:46
Good capture!!!! Nice reflection too. V!!