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Guenter Eh | all galleries >> STREET PHOTOGRAPHY >> Barcelona 2007 > Ramblas Tango_2
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28-SEP-2007 Guenter Eh

Ramblas Tango_2


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Guest 11-Oct-2007 21:03
I prefer this to the cropped "Ramblas Tango". Great decision to convert to mono. -v.
Latifa Messaoudi03-Oct-2007 05:57
great shot!
shatterbug02-Oct-2007 05:44
Excellent...perfect timing!
veraferia02-Oct-2007 00:53
Michael Shpuntov01-Oct-2007 21:19
Wow, Brilliant. Dynamic, explosive with emotions. Bets kind of the street shots. Great light. Vote.
Guest 01-Oct-2007 19:46
Wow! I love the tango...well,to watch (I can't dance) LOL
Awesome body language and love the shadows too
doron nissim01-Oct-2007 19:13
What a passion ...WOW