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this needs a little explaining

I took this sitting in a james turrell earthwork(at the DeYoung Museum). He builds these things for the purpose of viewing lite and lite from celestial objects. I sat down in this piece and looked up and there is the moon. Really great thing to experience. I want the museum to let me in at night. That would be the best. Well sunrise and sunset would be great as well.

Nikon Coolpix L6
1/398s f/3.6 at 9.1mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 10-Sep-2007 22:30
I can help you hide out in there if you want! It is cool, I want to see the moon there at night.
Cheryl Hawkins10-Sep-2007 18:40
That's cool. Transitory yet focused.