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Ellie Kanary | all galleries >> Galleries >> fauna > Belted Female Kingfisher
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31-JUL-2007 ekanary

Belted Female Kingfisher


My, what a long beak you have...

Nikon D50
1/500s f/5.6 at 400.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Bea.10-Aug-2007 09:32
Good one Ellie. It was very obliging to sit still for you.
Guest 10-Aug-2007 05:01
This is gorgeous! I think you did just fine, and the colors are amazing!
Ruth Voorhis10-Aug-2007 04:42
Very cute...
FZUsergroup 10-Aug-2007 04:29
How cute is that? I love Kingfishers. Their heads look too big for them Linda S
Guest 10-Aug-2007 04:26
Well done Ellie, certainly not an easy shot.
Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo10-Aug-2007 04:22
Good shot through the window with less than ideal light conditions!
Guest 10-Aug-2007 04:19
You did well, Ellie. That little bird looks so cute.
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