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Allen Hart | all galleries >> Galleries >> Show and Tell > Tiger Swallowtail on Buttonbush
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07/15/2007 Allen Hart

Tiger Swallowtail on Buttonbush

Accotink Bay Wildlife Refuge

1st Place in Show and Tell Forum 507 - Insects Love Flowers

other sizes: small medium original auto
John Barreiro13-Apr-2019 00:17
Excellent choices were used in presenting wonderful captured accidents. The oranges in the wing echoed in the anthers i this fine composition.
Ken Zaret12-Apr-2019 14:33
Great image!
Margaret Lew11-Apr-2019 22:22
Beautiful! Congratulations on your first place in the S&T competition!
Jason Penney18-Apr-2008 02:26
Nice work and composure...
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