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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Splendor of the GRAND CANYON > 3 Crazy Youths from Sweden
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May 30, 2007 Sandi Whitteker

3 Crazy Youths from Sweden

Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA

Not long after I took this shot, these guys popped up directly below me. I don't really want
to think about how they got there. I was able to get their info and send them this shot.

Third Place, 135th Show and Tell, "Little Moments"

Nikon D80 ,Nikor 18-200 VR lens

other sizes: small medium original auto
samikosemi13-Jan-2013 08:37
Interesting pic
Markus Grompe20-Jun-2012 14:36
the lighting really makes this shot...
Nikolaos Frestis08-Jan-2010 07:43
Excellent capture! Voted
waterfalls man31-Mar-2009 14:52
Great capture Sandi V
Patrick Allender21-Nov-2008 05:26
Nice shot! The people give it some perspective and bring the pinnacle into sharper relief. Bet he takes the picture and turns it sideways to make him look like he's climbing a cliff.
judithann02-Nov-2008 18:25
They are too daring for my blood! The kid on his knees is out of his mind!
Did you ride a donkey down the canyon, Sandi??
beverley harrison21-Oct-2008 18:05
rather them than me!!
Guest 10-Aug-2008 06:00
I get the shivers just by looking at your awesome shot!
Guest 09-Aug-2008 20:11
Good capture indeed - my eldest daugher pulled a similar stunt - not me though, I have to stay behind the railings!
B. Shortall - BCS Photography05-Aug-2008 19:14
Famous last words... Hey guys, watch this!!!LOL!!! I agree - not for this guy!
Jeff B.30-Jul-2008 16:09
This looks like a job for.... anyone but me! Great shot! V
Jim Coffman07-Feb-2008 00:34
Great capture Sandi. They are completely out of their mind!!!
Ron Horloff19-Dec-2007 00:19
Great capture, Sandi. And yes, they are nuts.
alfredo camba jr.16-Dec-2007 13:24
Fantastic capture!! Too dangerous! Vote!!
Tim Rucci13-Dec-2007 15:24
I'm scared for people doing this kind of stuff. I'll bet your photo is more spectacular than theirs! Nice shot. (V)
Guest 10-Dec-2007 12:15
whoaahh! Swedish daredevils! makes me a bit dizzy though

Nice catch, great capture!
Barry Green Photography09-Nov-2007 19:01
Awesome photo ! You certainly capture the magnitude and sensation of the canyon in this photo. -v-
Guest 17-Sep-2007 09:11
Not even dare to crawl. Huh!
But, really this photo is wonderful.
Robert Ballard08-Sep-2007 17:59
Not me!
Allan Jay31-Aug-2007 18:20

Makes me dizzy just thinking about standing there!

Al B
Guest 17-Aug-2007 17:46
This is a great picture! vote.
Michel CORBOZ06-Aug-2007 20:43
Outstanding ! vote
veraferia11-Jul-2007 22:30
My God! The image is outstanding!~V
Guest 11-Jul-2007 14:19
I am weak in a high place. m(;_ _)m
It is a nice shot.
Guest 09-Jul-2007 19:42
Nice catch--and a little scary!
Lion08-Jul-2007 22:13
Good capture of some crazy people
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