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January Grey | all galleries >> Galleries >> Let There Be Light > Sunlight In Shambles
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Sunlight In Shambles

Canon PowerShot S3 IS
1/125s f/4.0 at 31.2mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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bill friedlander09-Jun-2010 15:44
Very spooky, but the light and colors of the old door are great. V
Jean D14-May-2009 20:24
Excellent composition and well presented, January! ~V~
Carol Rollins29-Sep-2007 06:08
This one caught my breath, Jan! This is an exquisite composition. A wonderful capture of the light and the green and the shadows. Very well done. V.
poetry66623-Jun-2007 23:11
Very interesting composition January...V.
Simon Chandler23-Jun-2007 03:45
Excellent. Great composition, lighting and color. v
Zaid Kurdi22-Jun-2007 18:56
Wonderful shot.....V.
Guest 22-Jun-2007 17:34
Very nice light, and I like all of the different shades of green. v.
Eric Carrère22-Jun-2007 16:08
Beautiful picture, V.
CIS22-Jun-2007 14:48
The sunlight gives us a glimpse of what yesterdays might have held in the shadows of what is left behind. What a supberb scene and composition...holds a wealth of untold stories.
Marcia Colelli22-Jun-2007 12:49
nice mood and composition V
Guest 22-Jun-2007 08:31
excellent done, use of light the tone, super.
Fong Lam22-Jun-2007 05:50
Love the capture of the small shaft of light. Great mood.....I can almost smell the dampness of this place. ~V~
QUERIDO22-Jun-2007 05:23
beautiful shot,vote
NealyBob22-Jun-2007 05:13
Very beautiful light and color! Well seen~! v
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