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flowsnow | all galleries >> Portraiture >> Unveiling Kharunisia > Pink Umbrella
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Pink Umbrella


Looking afar, thinking of the one I love and hoping to see him soon....

Nikon D80
1/200s f/8.0 at 30.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Gonzalo Garcia de Viedma25-May-2008 18:44
Outstanding edition, vintage-like.V
Guest 18-May-2007 13:46
very nice
Guest 15-May-2007 10:02
Very beautiful!!
Sue Robertson15-May-2007 02:48
I love it! v
Martha Albuquerque13-May-2007 19:19
so far, my favorite too! ~V~
Mostafa Moftah13-May-2007 12:34
My favorite, Tricia.. ~V~
Guest 13-May-2007 10:54
This is stunning work,Tricia,lovely model,colour balance and composition.Particularly like the pov! V
Guenter Eh13-May-2007 10:07
Desire...tenderly captured! Full of emotions!
olivier bruning13-May-2007 10:06
awesome! ~V~