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flowsnow | all galleries >> Portraiture >> Unveiling Kharunisia > The Goddess
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05-MAY-2007 Pretty Petals

The Goddess


I am the Goddess of the Earth.....I speak to thee

Nikon D80
1/1250s f/2.8 at 35.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Petros Labrakos12-May-2007 17:17
excellent work
carol j. phipps10-May-2007 14:52
GMV! Tremendously effective POV.
Paradoxal Studio Classic09-May-2007 18:09
caveman_lee09-May-2007 14:08
Great lighting and vivid color.
Guest 09-May-2007 14:01
Lovely shot Tricia.
Nice low angle.
Robyco09-May-2007 13:11
This POV is very good and her face is lighted as if she is from above.....