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Dan Chusid | all galleries >> Galleries >> San Diego Indie Music Fest III (2007), IV (2008), V (2009) & VI (2010) & VII (2011) > Alicia Champion
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Alicia Champion

S. D. Indie Music Fest Executive Producer performing

San Diego Indie Music Fest

Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
1/125s f/5.6 at 66.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Paradoxal Studio Classic05-Mar-2007 20:15
Hey, great shot.
Everything is perfect in it.
Carole Stevens05-Mar-2007 19:48
Great shot of her singing, the light is perfect!
shatterbug05-Mar-2007 19:37
Excellent shot, Dan. I like that you've captured the drummer in the bg too!
s_barbour05-Mar-2007 19:16
Superb capture Dan, terrific lighting!
flowsnow05-Mar-2007 16:55
Looks like ane exciting event. Check out her tattoo! Good shot Dan!
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