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Gordon W | all galleries >> My Best Shots >> Personal Favorites > Two Horses 53323
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Two Horses 53323

"Big black lens, Buttermilk...he must be using a Nikon."
"No, Blaze, that's a Canon with one of those cheap lenses."
"Hmmph! You would think we deserved better."

Photographed in Fulton, Texas USA.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 20-Feb-2007 21:54
Love that look you captured! v
Karen Moen20-Feb-2007 02:35
Beautiful animals. That one on the left is really checking you out. Voted.
firstbrook10-Feb-2007 19:26
Beautiful image ...luv it
Jean-Paul PLUME10-Feb-2007 18:25
beautiful colors and light. Superb image. Vote