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Jean Chiasson | all galleries >> Galleries >> Noël en lumières à Québec - Christmas lights at Quebec >
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Pentax K10D
1s f/4.0 at 36.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 15-Sep-2019 03:45
J S Quesada12-Oct-2012 19:38
So nice. Almost like a Christmas postcard. BV
Nikolaos Frestis24-Apr-2012 17:11
Fantastic! Voted
Sheila Isaac 25-Sep-2010 00:29
Like an old picture who's been brought back to life by the colourful lights of the two christmas trees. Would make a beatiful Christmas card or post card.
Judi Hastings12-Dec-2007 01:40
Guest 20-May-2007 03:40
So beautiful and peaceful....