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07-OCT-2006 Maureen

Innisfree is a 150-acre public garden in which the ancient art of Chinese landscape design has been reinterpreted to create, without recourse to imitation, a unique American garden. At Innisfree the visitor strolls from one three-dimensional picture to another. Streams, waterfalls, terraces, retaining walls, rocks, and plants are used not only to define areas but also to establish tension or motion. The 40-acre lake is glacial, most of the plant material is native, and the rocks have come from the immediate forest.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Yiannis Pavlis27-Aug-2008 15:56
The only think I miss here is the aroma!
Guest 13-Nov-2006 12:32
This is Beautiful !~Jeanette
Guest 31-Oct-2006 18:00
Wow this is pretty!
Toni Moore21-Oct-2006 16:46
This is beauiful Niecy...
Rev. Kelly Todd20-Oct-2006 01:57
Guest 17-Oct-2006 05:37
beautiful flower!
Carol Anne16-Oct-2006 07:08
Flower is great, almost like an abstract
such detail and clarity here

Carol Anne
Guest 13-Oct-2006 20:34
Wow, very impressive!
Laura Milholland13-Oct-2006 19:53
Great job in getting the detail in the whites. A beautiful flower.
Guest 12-Oct-2006 16:39
A nice crisp shot, interesting perspective.
southernshots9912-Oct-2006 03:44
Oh this is one of my favs. Such gorgeous detail.
Guest 12-Oct-2006 03:12
Gorgeous light in this one.
Guest 12-Oct-2006 01:56
this is gorgeous!
marilyn k holmberg12-Oct-2006 01:50
yeesssssss !! ..simply lovely!! 'm'
Guest 11-Oct-2006 23:41
this is absolutely stunning.....!!!!
fotabug11-Oct-2006 22:19
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