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Wei O'Connell | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Favorite Images > Early Fisherman Gets the Fish
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Early Fisherman Gets the Fish

DuSable Harbor, Chicago

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Canon EOS 350D
1/80s f/13.0 at 28.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Thomas27-Feb-2008 09:25
love the atmosphere and color of the clouds, V
Guest 25-May-2007 13:47
The sky is dramatic and your composition excellent which has created the mood so well.,v
Guest 25-Mar-2007 03:06
A little later to the party on this on but WOW! Beautifully captured and presented.
Simon Chandler04-Mar-2007 06:58
Excellent composition.
Martha Albuquerque03-Mar-2007 14:54
WOW! This is a stunning image! V
Linda Matta15-Feb-2007 17:40
Beautiful shot!!!!!!!
carol j. phipps08-Feb-2007 04:40
This is AMAZING! Vote
Kerry Tingley22-Jan-2007 04:43

Beautiful clouds on this sunrise Wei!
Peter Stahl04-Jan-2007 03:45
Terrific shot. Luv. the composition. Well done. GMV.
Eric Carrère29-Dec-2006 15:01
Fantastic picture !
Donnaray28-Dec-2006 23:36
excellent composition
Dan Chusid14-Dec-2006 06:48
Hope he caught something other than a cold!
: )
flowsnow05-Dec-2006 08:22
Amazing shot! GMV!!
caveman_lee30-Nov-2006 12:24
Nice composition and lighting, beautiful cloud pattern as well, voted.
olivier bruning17-Nov-2006 00:01
outstanding lighting! vote
Jose Paulo Andrade15-Oct-2006 19:02
Good composition! The best of your month of August.
Jay Levin11-Oct-2006 16:23
Very dramatic shot. Vote
Nunes BEIRAO - PHOTO15-Sep-2006 22:25
A simple but dramatic and beautiful shot!!! gmv
Dougie Young03-Sep-2006 19:49
Outstanding Tian, fantastic sky ..:>oted
Besati30-Aug-2006 10:25
Very lovely lighting and composition! Looks like it's sunset rather than sunrise:)
shatterbug30-Aug-2006 02:20
Early photographer gets the shot! Superb the cloud formation, warm light, and composition! Vote.
Lee G29-Aug-2006 16:55
This is really a nice scene. Great colors and sky!
Yiannis Pavlis28-Aug-2006 21:37
really beautifull capture.excellent light and colors.
Shayne27-Aug-2006 02:31
very very well composed ~ perfect execution

Guest 25-Aug-2006 18:48
This is quite dramatic.
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik25-Aug-2006 06:40
Outstanding! VOTE Sandy
Richard Calmes24-Aug-2006 14:08
And he gets a great view as well! Perfect composition! V
Greg Harp24-Aug-2006 04:23
Awesome capture, perfect composition. Voted
Bryan Ramsay24-Aug-2006 01:40
I was up for sunrise this morning too! but the three H's of the Midatlantic made it much less spectacular than this! Oustanding widange shot! Hard to get that reall wide sky and keep the foregraound subject looking natural! This one is a real winner! GMV -BJ
Guest 23-Aug-2006 23:46
Nice one!
Guest 23-Aug-2006 23:21
Excellent composition & lighting. Vote.
laine8223-Aug-2006 22:04
A great time of day to be out & about !!
Rich Westfall23-Aug-2006 19:58
Excellent shot. Awesome colors in the sky.
tomandlinda23-Aug-2006 19:46
Amazing image. Voted
Knox O23-Aug-2006 19:31
those clouds are surreal.
Bryan Murahashi23-Aug-2006 14:51
Really nicely composed shot. Like that dramatic sky here. V.
Katie Chew23-Aug-2006 13:08
Beautiful image! V
Victoria23-Aug-2006 08:24
Nice sky and leisurely fishing , love this image, Miss fishing with my father in home , thanks for share ^_^
QUERIDO23-Aug-2006 06:02
excellent shot, GMV
Blair Howell23-Aug-2006 05:13
Wonderful shot! Voted
Pathfinder23-Aug-2006 03:49
Beautiful composition and clouds
Kathy Pedersen23-Aug-2006 03:41
Famtastic mood and lighting...Voted
Tom Munson23-Aug-2006 03:27
Nice shot in a great setting. V
b-w studio23-Aug-2006 02:22
Beautiful shot!
Michael Shpuntov23-Aug-2006 02:18
Stunning. Beautiful light and colors on the clouds. Great composition. V
carol j. phipps23-Aug-2006 01:35
Yes, amazing! Vote.
Guest 23-Aug-2006 01:31
Wow!! What an amazing shot! Of course, a big vote!
Cindi Smith23-Aug-2006 01:27
WOWWWWW! Wonderful image! This is amazing! V
1moremile23-Aug-2006 00:33
Amazing photos. Big vote. Great sky.
Guest 23-Aug-2006 00:16
amazing! V.
Guest 23-Aug-2006 00:16
Very nice these first rays of light. Great capture.
Guest 23-Aug-2006 00:11
We'll hope he gets a fish, we know that you caught a great picture. Vote
Mindy McNaugher23-Aug-2006 00:10
Awesome shot! Dramatic and so peaceful! Vote!
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