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Dance of Sisa

A Noh play written by Lapena-Bonifacio in 1973 during her ASPAC fellowship in Japan. In Jose Rizal's Novel, Noli Me Tangere, Sisa is portrayed as an archetype of a wife and mother, pleading and suffers hardships in silence to give a better life for her children Basillio and Crispin, who work as church bell ringers. The two were charged by the abusive priest Padre Salvi of robbing the church collection. Crispin dies in the hands of Padre Salvi while Basillio escapes and becomes a fugitive. Unable to bear the pain and express her anger and grief in losing both her children, Sisa becomes insane.

Canon EOS 20D
1/30s f/2.8 at 200.0mm iso800 full exif

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