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9 July 2006 (296)
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8 July 2006 SRW

To bear the weight...
9 July 2006 (296)

Fovant, Salisbury, UK

My favourite two horses...


Nikon D200 ,Sigma 28-300mm f/3.5-6.3 DG Macro
1/400s f/6.0 at 200.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Mark Chambers ARPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE327-Jan-2013 21:42
I like this one a real moment in time! V
Guest 28-Feb-2008 17:09
Simple and great composition.
I'd like white spot on the background to be green.
and not too tight composition, but I liked it anyhow.
Cathy 11-May-2007 01:01
Wonderful ... they're lovely!
Larry & Linda Dunlap16-Mar-2007 02:50
Beautiful photo; very tender. These horses are just like the two that we saw out behind St. Giles church in Coberley.
Well done. Larry
Guest 04-Dec-2006 18:33
love this shot, big vote.
Guest 04-Nov-2006 03:12
lovely. how did you get them to do it? :)
--Marguerite, who is thinking of you.
Donald Verger05-Sep-2006 06:43
such a wonderful image! vote!!!!!!
Guest 29-Jul-2006 03:09
Beautiful shot. Clear and crisp.
Guest 26-Jul-2006 21:48
Better l8 than never my friend. Vote
Guest 23-Jul-2006 20:58
This is one of those shots that you could wait forever and never get. congratulations. v.
Guest 22-Jul-2006 08:27
This is just fantastic! I'm not sure about the title, as the flies around the white horse are an important part of the image too. How about "supporting each other" Big V!
Dan Chusid16-Jul-2006 05:18
They look tired.
Did you wear them out during the shoot??
: )
Pic Chick15-Jul-2006 15:23
What a beautiful, natural shot. Nicely done.
Beverly Wickersham15-Jul-2006 12:08
Terrific shot. They look like good buddies. Vote.
Naomi 11-Jul-2006 14:59
Wonderful capture. GMV
snootydog11-Jul-2006 13:30
Such a beautiful photograph.
Chris Sofopoulos11-Jul-2006 10:42
Lovely capture! v
Guest 10-Jul-2006 22:32
So very cute - well composed. Nice work.
Ric Yates10-Jul-2006 20:16
Lovely shot - great composition!
Johnny JAG10-Jul-2006 20:06
Aaaahhhh, nice.
Guest 10-Jul-2006 19:31
Fantastic FANTASTIC!!!! Look at how their affection shows!!!Big vote!
akleja10-Jul-2006 15:18
Beautiful picture! Voted!!
Shayne10-Jul-2006 14:33
I love this image ~ great job on 2 beautiful subjects!!! V
Guest 10-Jul-2006 07:31
Fantastic capture
tomsview10-Jul-2006 07:27
Beautiful shot!
Victoria10-Jul-2006 07:09
mmmmmmmmm........This is excellent composition and viewpoint
Sharon Rogers10-Jul-2006 07:03
...... v>
Bryan Murahashi10-Jul-2006 05:51
Sweet shot. V.
Guest 10-Jul-2006 02:19
Beautiful shot. V
Benoît Jolivet10-Jul-2006 01:44
Very nice composition ! There's something like human expression here... great capture !! V
Guest 10-Jul-2006 00:34
Superb composition. The closed eyes of the white horse gives such a feel of tenderness. Voted.
Guest 10-Jul-2006 00:28
I love it! Horses are one of my favorites! You capture wonderful moments! Voted!
Doug Kessler09-Jul-2006 23:56
Damn, that is a fine shot! Perfectly framed. V
Guest 09-Jul-2006 23:52
C'est magnifique! Leur pose, leur expression. Et puis la composition que cela fait, avec le blanc, le brun et le superbe arrière-plan flou...
En plus, cette image dégage beaucoup de tendresse. Vote.
Guest 09-Jul-2006 23:51
Oh Stephen,this is so beautifully framed. V
Craig Persel09-Jul-2006 23:14
Very well done.
Christine P. Newman09-Jul-2006 22:39
The expression in the face of the white horse is priceless. It is so easy to transpose it as human expression. V
joanteno09-Jul-2006 22:28
Excellent shot. V.
Guest 09-Jul-2006 22:23
Wonderful shot! vote
Guest 09-Jul-2006 22:15
Great it!
Those flies!...
Guest 09-Jul-2006 21:47
Beautiful composition. Perfect timing.
I think this photo name should be " LOVE AND SADNESS "
nordic09-Jul-2006 21:45
Brilliant capture
Guest 09-Jul-2006 21:45
Beautiful composition. Perfect timing.
I think this photo name should be " LOVE AND SADNESS "
northstar3709-Jul-2006 21:43
the lovey-dovey-ness!
Mindy McNaugher09-Jul-2006 21:33
Awesome shot Stephen!!! Fabulous composition! Vote!
JW09-Jul-2006 21:17
Well seen , great composition ~V~
Graham Tomlin09-Jul-2006 21:14
what a lovely picture have to vote regards Helen
coaster09-Jul-2006 21:11
Great shot.