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Canon DSLR Challenge | all galleries >> Challenge 67: In repose (host: Michael Puff) >> Exhibition > 5th Place
Fallen *
by Gayle Knowles
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30-APR-2006 Gayle Knowles

5th Place
Fallen *
by Gayle Knowles


Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF 24mm f/2.8
1/1600s f/2.8 at 24.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Gayle Knowles15-May-2006 09:17
I've had a print made from this and the entire edge of the leaf is in focus, which is what I aimed for. For some reason, it loses sharpness on Pbase.
Leo Charette10-May-2006 19:57
I like the simplicity of this composition and the colors compliment each other beautifully. I do wish for bit more depth of field but this works fine as is. Bravo!
Canon DSLR Challenge10-May-2006 05:16
Last was from redcrown. Sorry, I keep forgetting to "sign" and put asteriks on titles.
Canon DSLR Challenge10-May-2006 05:14
Really attractive composition. Hitting the thirds everywhere. The shadows in lower right and upper left serve well to contain the frame. The leaf shadow, however, is what makes it work. The soft focus is good everywhere but on the leaf. Too bad there is no strong point of sharp focus.
Guest 06-May-2006 22:28
Really elegant, Gayle, and a fine interpretation of the topic. -Michael
Canon DSLR Challenge06-May-2006 16:41
Lovely, Gayle. ~ Lonnit
Guest 05-May-2006 23:46
Simple and stunning!
Mikel Featherston05-May-2006 20:27
The colors *are* good. More depth of field would have been nice, though.
Canon DSLR Challenge05-May-2006 16:49
Wow. I really like this one. Very nice colors! Jim H.