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Zak | all galleries >> Daily Bute >> Daily Bute 2006 >> April 2006 > 30th April
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30th April

not as nice today than it was yesterday
but it hasn't rained, yet...

I was taking a few pics of the harbour earlier
when this seagull came to keep an eye
on the men further back incase they dropped a chip from their fish suppers ;-)

Konica-Minolta DiMAGE Z2
1/200s f/3.2 at 32.9mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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wernere0101-May-2006 21:47
What a look. Wouldn´t trust this gull. Great shot.
James Ross01-May-2006 20:44
Nice one! :-)
Guest 01-May-2006 12:39
Cool shot Zak
Herb 01-May-2006 02:55
Nice image
Yvonne01-May-2006 00:16
I think he's hoping you'll be kind and share your chips!
laine8230-Apr-2006 22:50
I think that's Robin's gull !!
northstar3730-Apr-2006 22:34
He's ready to pounce
Jackdad30-Apr-2006 21:05
"Got any fish?" ;-)
Pathfinder30-Apr-2006 20:31
If his diet consists of a lot of chips dropped from people's greasies- its a wonder he can still fly ;-)
Bill Miller30-Apr-2006 19:55
Gull-able bird...
Al Chesworth30-Apr-2006 19:31
It's a wonder he didnt pinch one.
You should pay this bird, it's been a model for years.
Johnny JAG30-Apr-2006 19:06
It's him again!
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