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Neal Nye | all galleries >> Galleries >> April 2006 > Helsingør
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Within sight of the Swedish coast, Helsingør, Denmark
appeared to me to be a tourist trap for Swedes
primarily because of lower alcohol prices. But it
also has wonderful old architecture, including
the Church of St. Mary
and Kronborg Castle, the site of Shakespeare's Hamlet.
There is more in my
Sweden Gallery

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Jude Marion04-May-2006 12:40
Fantastic comp ... I like the play with scale here
Guest 03-May-2006 18:20
The textures of the roof almost create an optical illusion, bright and colorful against the greys.
Guest 29-Apr-2006 22:57
Good composition, good textures.
Guest 29-Apr-2006 16:07
Commbination of pictorial essay and abstract, Neal. Nice image. I like the colors and the negative space included. Luke
Char29-Apr-2006 13:18
Excellent shot. That roof is so appealing.
Karen Leaf29-Apr-2006 04:49
Terrific vertical compo Neal. Did you meet my relatives :)
Dennis Hoyne29-Apr-2006 04:18
Nice contrasting colors, I like the unique viewpoint.
Elaine (etfitz)29-Apr-2006 02:06
Fabulous steeple!
Coleen Perilloux Landry28-Apr-2006 21:28
Nice composition. The steeple looks like a drawing against the sky.
Guest 28-Apr-2006 21:12
Superb contrast and great composition
Greg Harp28-Apr-2006 20:46
Beautiful composition. Did you visit Kronborg Castle? It's Shakespeare's setting for Hamlet.