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Yvonne | all galleries >> The occasional pad >> PAD in 2006 Down Under > Three birds
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21-APR-2006 Yvonne

Three birds

Coastal - South Australia

On the beach at Port Elliot

and here's a person clambering down
some rocks

Third of a series

other sizes: small medium large original auto
akleja23-Apr-2006 16:28
Fantastic shot!
Dave Wixx23-Apr-2006 15:10
Nice detail.
Jola Dziubinska23-Apr-2006 14:03
Lovely composition and light.
Herb 23-Apr-2006 13:35
Nice image
Zak23-Apr-2006 09:41
very nice pic indeed!
laine8223-Apr-2006 09:12
What a beauty, Von. Did you bag up the kelp & take it home for the garden !!
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