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Konica Minolta Users | all galleries >> KM Challenges >> KM C54 DETAIL: Hosted by Plamen Antonov on behalf of MCsaba >> C54 DETAIL: Competition > Azalea Collage by Sinnettc
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Azalea Collage by Sinnettc

Konica-Minolta DiMAGE Z6
1/640s f/4.0 at 26.6mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 18-Mar-2006 04:15
I posted another one below where I did use the flash.

Konica Minolta Users16-Mar-2006 13:51
chris, i know how beautiful azaleas are up your part of the world. i have been to north-west US and van. they're popular in melbourne but they do struggle a little at times.

can i suggest you try some flash here? do an experiment... try it, you'll love it. :o) bugzie