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Isabel Cutler | all galleries >> Canon 20D >> Canon EF 50mm F/1.8 II > 9612 queen at the counter
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9612 queen at the counter

Black/white conversion done in Adobe Raw Converter by adjusting contrast and brightness after desaturation and then adjusting the exposure.

Canon EOS 20D
1/50s f/2.5 at 50.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Gra Tomlin24-Feb-2006 11:03
very nice indeed regards Helen
Guest 23-Feb-2006 01:53
Very soft looking, nicely done.
Guest 23-Feb-2006 01:45
I was missing Beegie:-) I think it's about right. Maybe could be just a bit lighter, since she does have a light color.
littleheifer23-Feb-2006 01:18
You're right about her color being hard. My thought is this is just a tad to dark? I would like to see what the others feel. I have a very hard time with some colors.