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Donna Lear | all galleries >> Galleries >> Photo A Day > February 17
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February 17

One of the very rare times I've actually seen a sunrise that didn't involve being up all night. The intensity of the clouds was incredible. I don't even miss the hint of pink in the color version of this.

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Valeska21-Feb-2006 18:05
what a great sky love the clouds.
Di19-Feb-2006 23:23
Must have been spectacular 'cuz the image sure is!
Bob Townsend19-Feb-2006 20:39
Nice definition in your clouds. Well composed.
nomadicdragon19-Feb-2006 02:06
Wonderful dramatic sky. Nicely done.
Tor18-Feb-2006 23:00
Very rare to see a sunset in b&w. Very dramatic effect.
Greg Harp18-Feb-2006 18:43
Terrific--quite the dramatic sky!
joanteno18-Feb-2006 11:50
Great shot!
akleja18-Feb-2006 10:19
Wow! That's a dramatic sky!
JW18-Feb-2006 09:43
Wonderful and dramatic. Valeska's Cloud Appreciation Society would be impressed!
David Clunas18-Feb-2006 08:37
Big sky! very nice
kent larnhill18-Feb-2006 06:46 well done...very dramatic sky!
Guest 18-Feb-2006 06:21
Very powerful picture in black and white.
Guest 18-Feb-2006 05:58
Rare is a sunrise in black and white that looks really great. This is one of them though.
Guest 18-Feb-2006 05:21
Dramatic sky.... I love the layers of clouds
Bryan Murahashi18-Feb-2006 05:20
Very nicely shot. Great in b&w
Guest 18-Feb-2006 05:16
Our sky was like that yesterday!! I just love it!! :) GREAT SHOT! :)