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NSWP Patches and Ranks

My complete collection of patches and rank epaulettes from the New South Wales Police in Australia.

Top Row: Constable, Senior Constable, Senior Constable Incremental, Leading Senior Constable, Sergeant, Sergeant Incremental, Senior Sergeant, Inspector, Chief Inspector, Superintendent, Chief Superintendent, Executive Chief Superintendent, Assitant Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner epaulettes.

Second Row: Student Police Officer epaulette, Highway Patrol patch, Dog Squad patch, NSWP crest police car fender decal, New South Wales Police Force older patch, N*S*W Police very old patch, New South Wales Police Force newer patch and Commissioner epaulette.

Third Row: New South Wales Police Chaplain patch, New South Wales Police Mounted Section patch, New South Wales Police Pigs social patch, New South Wales Police current patch, New South Wales Police current plastic patch and New South Wales Police Academy Goulburn patch.

Bottom Row: Constable, Senior Constable, Senior Constable Incremental and Sergeant State Protection Group (SPG) subdued epaulettes, Senior Sergeant leather jacket epaulette, Senior Constable leather jacket epaulette, Constable leather jacket epaulettes, Senior Constable leather jacket epaulette, Senior Sergeant leather jacket epaulette, Sergeant Incremental, Senior Sergeant, Inspector and Chief Inspector SPG epaulettes.

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