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Jim Worlding | all galleries >> Galleries >> TERRER AND HER FIRST LITTER > TERRER RADIO
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21 Nov 2005


Eat your hearts out HMV

and no I didn't put anything on the end to tempt her,
just in the right place at the right time.
Thanks for the loan of the camera Joanne but
I wish I had had mine for this one.

Olympus D-490Z
1/800s f/2.8 at 5.6mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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Guest 23-Nov-2005 20:29
Wow, this is so funny!! Fantastic catch!!
Joanne Santillo22-Nov-2005 13:50
Cool shot, but for this kind of shot any camera is better than no camera ... gmv
Guest 22-Nov-2005 02:39
LOL, this is just too cute and a great capture! Voted!
uofmtiger22-Nov-2005 01:23
Fantastic catch!LOL GMV
Guest 21-Nov-2005 23:25
Fine tuning the stereo? Great find.
Guest 21-Nov-2005 22:43
don't you just love right place at the right time. :)
nice catch
Jim Ross21-Nov-2005 21:42
Aint seen one of them on the end of an ariel before...A real headturner... ;-)
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