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November 13

This is Sara, I met Sara today while we were having lunch at Margaritaville. Sara was having lunch with her mother, father and sister. They had just come from their house in Lakeview. They are not sure if they will ever be able to live there again, they have found a new home in Slidell. It is easy to talk with people these days, there aren't many tourists in the Quarter, so us locals are the ones there now. All people can talk about is Katrina and how it affected their life, everyone has a story, no one is untouched. I'm sure one day this will not be the main topic of our conversations, but for now, it is larger than life.

Sara's sister
Sara's sister
Sara and her sister
Sara and her sister

Nikon D70s
1/60s f/5.6 at 78.0mm with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Linda H15-Nov-2005 16:30
It's very hard to think about such dear, vulnerable young ones going through this trauma. You've made them and that thought become very real to us. Thank you.
Guest 15-Nov-2005 03:36
Lovely shot :) Thanks ~ Clare
Cindy Flood14-Nov-2005 22:58
Wow, what beautiful eyes. You captured her well.
Guest 14-Nov-2005 14:46
Adorable little girl!
Dan Chusid14-Nov-2005 06:26
Try boosting the levels on this if you're using Photoshop.
Will make a tremendous difference.
- DC
Kat Bradley 14-Nov-2005 04:21
Would have loved to have gone to the quarter with you today. Send me some of your other pictures.
Janet Lamont14-Nov-2005 03:50
Cute little girl with beautiful eyes.