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Greg Harp | all galleries >> South Dakota >> Various South Dakota Pictures > Fuel Costs
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02-SEP-2005 Greg Harp

Fuel Costs

Chamberlain, South Dakato

My anniversay was this past Friday. My wife wanted me to take her someplace expensive so I took her to this little place I know called 'Phillips 66.'

To some this may not seem a lot to pay for gas, but for us the summer started out at $1.90 -- and we thought that was high. (A couple of years ago a gallon of unleaded regular went for $1.35) The highest I saw traveling home from western South Dakota was $3.12 for regular unleaded--and that was in Marshall, Minnesota. Since then gas has decreased slightly and is currently selling for $1.69 locally.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Al Varland16-Jul-2006 19:33
Oh for the "Good ole' days"