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Bud Osterberg | all galleries >> Galleries >> Palisades in the shade - August 2005 > At the base of the summit block
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At the base of the summit block

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Note Bud's headlamp stylishly tilted to one side. The summit block is only a 5.8 move, but there is no room for error. Any fall ends you up on sharp rock, wedged 10 feet down a crack, or broken 200 feet off an edge. We opted to use the rope, but there are no cracks or features on the block to get protection into so we had to get creative.

What we did was have Bud and Santosh grab either end of a 10 - 15 meter bight in the rope. Sam coiled up the rope in the middle and tossed the coil over the summit block. After a couple of tries we got it lodged up there, managed to flip it into a relatively safe position, and tied it off.

Canon PowerShot S200
1/200s f/7.1 at 5.4mm full exif

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