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René Gysi | all galleries >> Galleries >> Street Parade 2005 > Photographer in action
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13-AUG-2005 René Gysi

Photographer in action

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Guest 18-Oct-2005 02:53
Canon shooters are nearly always fags!
beverley harrison23-Aug-2005 14:08
another happy snapper! great catch!
Gary Winters16-Aug-2005 18:36
A cannon on a Canon. Phew!
jlm15-Aug-2005 16:53
A happy man!
Guest 15-Aug-2005 15:52
I can see from his face that he's very happy of his camera. Really a portrait with his happy and contageous smiles.
Guest 15-Aug-2005 13:49
Lens envy?!? ;) -Ben